BRS PTO Bylaws
Amended April 4, 2023
ARTICLE I: Articles of Incorporation and Office
The Blowing Rock School Parent-Teacher Organization shall exist as a non-profit corporation pursuant to Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes and the principal office of the corporation shall be located at the Blowing Rock School on Morris Street in the Town of Blowing Rock, County of Watauga, State of North Carolina.
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) To enhance the cooperation of parents, teachers and administrators in the promotion of the welfare of the children of the Blowing Rock School and to
aid in their education;
(b) To engage in any lawful activity or activities for which organizations may be organized under Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes and the
Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3), as amended.
These purposes shall be promoted through educational programs directed toward parents, teachers and the Blowing Rock Community, and will be developed through meetings, committees, projects, and programs and will be governed by the basic policies set forth in Article III of these Bylaws.
ARTICLE III: Basic Policies
The following are the basic policies of this organization that will govern and guide the actions of the officers and directors:
(a) The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
(b) The name of the Blowing Rock School Parent-Teacher Organization, or the names of any member, officer, or director in their official capacities of the
organization shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest, for any purpose not appropriately related to
promotion of the objectives of the corporation.
(c) The organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements, in any
political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office or attempt to influence legislation.
(d) The organization shall cooperate and work with the Blowing Rock School and other schools to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing the fact that the legal responsibility to make decisions pertaining to policy has been delegated by the people of Watauga County and the Town of Blowing Rock to the Watauga County Board of Education.
(e) The organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing this organization in
such matters shall make no commitments that bind this organization without approval of the Board of Directors of the Organization.
(f) In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization shall be turned over to one or more exempt organizations as described in Section
503(c)(3) and Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future law, or to a Federal, State, or
local Government for exclusive public purpose, not excluding Blowing Rock School.
ARTICLE IV: Membership and Dues
Section 1. All parents and/or legal guardians with children in the Blowing Rock School and all teachers and administrators of the Blowing Rock School who subscribe to the objectives and policies of this organization are eligible to join as members of the organization, subject only to compliance with the provision of these Bylaws. Membership in this organization shall not be denied on the basis of race, creed, disability, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Section 2. Membership in the organization, which must be renewed annually, shall be effective beginning September 1st and ending the following August 30th of each school year.
Section 3: The organization will annually require dues and will request or accept donations from members or the general public for use in furthering the policies of the organization.
ARTICLE V: Board of Directors
Section 1. The affairs of the organization shall be managed by its Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, School Principal, Teacher Representative, Parent Representative, and Community Advisor, whose terms expire after two (2) consecutive years. Elections will be held biannually in January. Each term will run from May to the end of the following April. Board members may serve an additional two-year term, if uncontested. A Board member is not prohibited from seeking reappointment to the Board of Directors following a break of two years.
Section 3. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be:
(a) to conduct necessary business between organization meetings
(b) to create standing and specific committees;
(c) to approve the work of the standing and special committees;
(d) to present a report at the regular meetings of the organization;
(e) to appoint an auditor to audit the Treasurer’s account, by August of the next school year; and
(f) to approve expenditures of the organization.
Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the committee. A majority of the Board of Directors present at the meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
ARTICLE VI: Officers and Their Election
Section 1. Officers of this corporation:
(a) shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, School Principal, Teacher Representative, Parent Representative; Community Advisor; and Two (2) At-Large Members.
(b) shall be elected by a majority of the members present at the January at-large meeting of the organization
(c) shall assume their official duties May 1 following their election in January, and shall serve for a minimum term of two-year or until the election of their
successors. Training will occur from the election date through the end of April prior to officially assuming the role.
Section 2. Election Committee shall:
(a) be appointed by the school guidance counselor in September of an election year and shall be composed of three (3) members consisting of:
(1) One (1) parent member of the PTO;
(2) One (1) teacher;
(3) And the Principal of Blowing Rock School.
(b) shall oversee a fair and unbiased election process
Section 3. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present and which notice of such election has been given. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall have first right of refusal to the role prior to holding an election.
Section 4. Terms of Office shall be:
(a) President shall serve a two year term.
(b) Vice President shall serve a two year term.
(c) Secretary shall serve a two year term.
(d) Treasurer shall serve a two year term.
(e) Community Advisor shall serve a two year term.
(f) Parent Representative shall serve a two year term.
(g) Teacher Representative shall serve a two year term.
(h) At Large members shall serve a minimum of one year with the option of serving an additional year.
(i) Any board member wishing to leave their position prior to the end of their term shall submit in writing the desire to leave office to the current
board providing a one (1) month notice.
ARTICLE VII: Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors at which he/she may be present; shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by these Bylaws or assigned to him/her by the organization or by the Board of Directors; and shall coordinate the work of officers and the Board of Directors of the organization in order that the objectives and purpose of the organization may be promoted. (In other words, the President shall do many things in.)
Section 2. The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in absence or disability of that officer to act. Coordinate committees to support the specific efforts of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Board of Directors. Maintains all records of membership and leads communication with the school and community regarding events, fundraisers, etc Section 4. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the organization; shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall present a financial statement as requested by the Board of Directors and shall make a full report to the membership at the at-large meeting. The signature of the President or school Principal and the Treasurer will be required on all accounts of the organization. An auditor will be appointed to review the Treasurer’s annual report prior to the beginning of the next school year.
Section 5. The Community Advisor is responsible for bringing members of the community together in ways that are constructive and beneficial to the organization. This role is held by an individual who has children at BRS, is involved in other organizations in the town, and/or owns a business in Blowing Rock. They are responsible for the communication with other town organizations and the town government. They are responsible for staying informed about activities of the organization and for advising on the appropriateness and general merits of policies and activities.
Section 6. The Parent Representative shall bridge the gap of communication between parents and the organization. He/She will keep the parents informed of activities and events and will encourage involvement. He/she will oversee the grade parents and keep them informed of upcoming events and the need for volunteers.
Section 7. The Teacher Representative shall bridge the gap of communication between the PTO Board of Directors, the teachers and staff. For any event or activity the PTO sponsors that takes place outside of school hours, the teacher representative will attend/participate as able and elicit involvement from the teachers and staff.
Section 8. The At Large member shall serve as a representative of the parent members that will support the PTO Board of Directors as appropriated and needed. The At Large member serves in an ex-officio role.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held monthly and attended by the Board of Directors and any invited guests as appropriate. At Large meetings shall be held biannually and will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Three (3) days’ notice shall be given for a change of date. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors at which at least three (3) days notice has been given to the membership.
ARTICLE IX: Standing and Special Committees
Section 1. The Board of Directors may create such standing and special committees as it deems necessary to promote the purpose and carry on the objectives of the corporation. The term of each chairman of any standing or special committee shall be one (1) year or until the election or qualification of his/her successor or the committee is dissolved.
Section 2. The Chairman of each standing or special committee shall present a plan of work to the Board of Directors for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the prior consent of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 4. Since a special committee is created and appointed for a specific purpose, it automatically terminates when its work is completed and a final report is received or when the Board of Directors dissolves the special committee.
ARTICLE X: Parliamentary Authority
Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the operation of the corporation in all matters of the organization except in which they conflict with these bylaws.
ARTICLE XI: Amendments
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall be given at the previous meeting of the organization.
These revised Bylaws were duly adopted this 4th day of April, 2023.
Blowing Rock School Parent-Teacher Organization.
By: __________________________
By: __________________________